When we hear about the real estate bubble, we refer to significant increases in property values, followed by sharp falls in sales prices.
Usually they are characterized in three phases:
- Price growth in a slow and progressive way
- Significant price increase
- Outbreak with collapse of values
Events that occur exceptionally at all latitudes and in every market.
It may seem anachronistic to speak of a real estate bubble after having seen sales volumes fall, so much so that in the Italian residential market the first six months of the previous year had shown a consistent decline in trading levels, witnessed by a trend change of -15.5 % in the first quarter, which was followed by an even more intense drop -27.2% in the second quarter.
The decline for the fourth quarter ended the year in the order of 491,000 units transacted (-18.7%). (data collected by the Real Estate Market Observatory).
Considering that, before the spread of Covid-19, the forecasts for the year 2020 foreshadowed a number of sales equal to 612 thousand, it is clear the large market share that the pandemic has eroded.

The real estate market in Forte dei Marmi, on the other hand, continues its growth trend and that is why we hear from time to time there is talk of a bubble for this location.
At the beginning of the pandemic, forecasts were wasted with a great prevalence of catastrophists, but Forte dei Marmi escapes the logic of the Common Market: from valuations to the number of exchanges, to construction activity. It is the only city in which operational construction sites can be seen.
It was feared that the impossibility of receiving foreign accustomed people with high spending capacities would have reshaped the values instead, even if with all the difficulties, Forte dei Marmi managed with its appeal to attract an Italian elite, who for various reasons chose in past seasons foreign locations, proposing its high values of livability, charm, ease of reaching the destination that make it particularly attractive.
All this has translated into an increase in interest in Forte dei Marmi real estate and this boost has generated an increase in values: real estate offers that have been on the market for some time have found their buyers and in the first months of this strange 2021 many real estate compendia have been sold.
Despite this, it is still the potential buyers who plan a purchase in Forte dei Marmi thinking of doing a bargain, not fully understanding the prestige of the locality, with the interest and the strong demand all over the world that follows.

We are in a phase of growth in values with an expectation of a further increase.
The profitability that a purchase at the Forte generates can be attested at 4/5% per annum by renting it for the season and having the property available for the rest of the year, living Forte dei Marmi out of season is not to be underestimated.
A further boost is due to the various tax relief bonuses that can allow, with a careful study prior to the intervention, to benefit from discounts of up to over € 200,000.00 per property unit.
There are no reasons on the horizon that could cause this always famous tourist destination to lose appeal, so those who talk about the real estate bubble in Forte dei Marmi most likely do not know this market.
It is true that one’s own area must always be defended, but the logic of the market soars with its strength that is difficult to govern.
What do you think about it? What are your feelings?