After various infringement procedures received from the EU, the Council of State, on November 9, 2021, with sentences no. 17 and 18, established that bathing concessions will be extended until 31 December 2023.
From 1 January 2024, the concessions will be subject to tender, despite any further legislative extension that may occur in the meantime, which should be considered ineffective because in contrast with the rules of the EU legal system.
We will not dwell on what is right or wrong, on low rents and high returns, each concession has its own history, there will be those who have held it for generations, those who have invested significant amounts to renovate the plant, maybe last year, those who he has recently taken over by paying large capital.
The manager of the bathroom is a point of reference for the vacationer, a relationship that has been consolidated over the years.
Forte dei Marmi has always been a milestone for seaside hospitality, an aspect that has certainly contributed to the growth of the brand and is undoubtedly one of the cornerstones of success.
There will not be a passage as sometimes happens where the old manager informs the new one of all the details, on 31 December 2023 it changes.
There will be a revolution on the entire coast, the hope is that it will be a little painful as possible, the certainty is that the face of this reality will change, central in the heart of Forte dei Marmi.
On the other side of the scale, we can also say that the public attending the Forte is always ready for news and able to understand changes, even more so today with what we have and are still experiencing what has led to life unthinkable situations.
We have to wait for the directives of the announcement, to understand if it will be only the economic skills or even the professional requirements that will make the difference.
After the pandemic, which had generated uncertainty and instead has raised the value of this location, now everything is questioned again but it takes a good director who allows this shock to open a new season in the name of certainty.